Life Start’s Owner and Founder,
Khryspn Jensen
She has a question for you that has nothing to do with how to pronounce her name:
Why should learning to save lives bore you to death?
Ok let’s first all agree that 2020 was a year for the record books. Everywhere you look, there are stories of challenge, loss, success, and adaptation to this new world. Covid -19 impacted us all. Business owners were required to pivot, to challenge their traditional way of doing business, and move outside their comfort zone. Life Start was no exception. "When we launched in 2016, my vision was to change the stigmas about taking first aid through awareness, education, and top-notch training. That hasn’t changed."
- Khryspn Jensen , CEO

First aid training CAN be different than it’s always been.
The last few years have shown us that passion, quality training, and a positive (and fun!) attitude can make a lasting impact - and help people save more lives in our communities. We were fortunate to have worked alongside the Canadian Red Cross in our earlier years, but as the world changes, so do training needs, and we’re 100% committed to adapting. Doing our own thing helps us adapt a little more freely and in our own unique style.
We can lead the charge into change.
With the exciting launch of our own approved programs, we can pursue innovation and pivot training methods to better serve the first aid training world we know and love as it evolves. We’ll keep on developing training programs and courses that are laser-focused on quality and safety. We’re also thrilled to launch new initiatives that will help our mission to save more lives and help us give back.

Ok, Let’s travel back in time to your last first aid class.
The instructor walks in, gives a lecture on cell phones and ways you can fail if you don't take the class seriously. You MUST pass the test with at least an 80%. We're all adults here (or we’re supposed to be) so you open your book, watch the slideshow and think about supper tonight - making a list of what you need to grab on your way home in your head. All of a sudden you’re at the CPR section... the instructor says 30 compressions and 2 breaths (well, they’re supposed to say 30:2… because CPR has been virtually unchanged since 2005)… and you're like WAIT a minute!
Read that last line one more time: "You can be the link between life and death.”
Now the conversation goes something like this:
- "My last instructor said you don't breath in people any more"
- Here the class discussion really heats up. Someone pipes up, "No, we were taught 15:2"
- Someone else gets in on the debate, "You’re supposed to do 5 breaths and 5 compressions!"
- "No wait, you give breaths first"
- "No you only give breaths to kids first"
- "No you finger sweep kids!" (FYI there have been NO recommendations for fingers sweeps since at least 2005)
- "Ugh CPR changes every year. Just call 911 and wait for the professionals"
- Then you end up with someone saying, "All I remember is my last instructor was skinny but ate a lot"
Yup, these are REAL stories from REAL classes I’ve taught.
People are tired of things "always changing" but the truth is, they haven't changed that much. Yes we need to breathe in people because they need 16% oxygen out of the 21% that we breathe. Yes, you need to compress HARD so blood can go around and around to keep the brain alive.
Like many of you, I felt exactly the same way about CPR and always felt that there had to be a better way of teaching it. I decided to be the change in my training methods, listening to feedback about what was disliked the most (reading from the book, hours of slide shows, the list goes on).
So I’m a bit of an overachiever (or so my friends say)
I have an obsessive need to constantly evolve and improve. As a result, all of Life Start’s classes are interactive (yes, even online programs can be interactive!). Most of the time it’s just me (with 2 more of "me"), a white board and some horrible pictures (except for the cool 3D videos that show how your body works). Those whiteboard skills are then put to shame by the incredible Hollywood-style makeup techniques we use to simulate injuries (it’s taken a ton of practice, but trust me, we’ve got this one nailed).
Yes, Covid-19 has changed the world, but it forced an industry shake-up that was desperately needed. Come on! Heart attack survival rates have stagnated since 2012. Something isn't working!
Good enough doesn't have to be good enough.
I don't do what I do because “it’s my job” - I do it because one day someone you love could be on the ground having a heart attack. The fact that you have proper first aid training CAN save their life. It’s not all about a certificate you need for work. It's a powerful moment when someone realizes they’re the link between life and death for someone (because after 10 minutes your brain is done without oxygen).
Read that last line one more time: "You can be the link between life and death.”
So that’s why I do what I do - and why you should do it with me. Reach out today to learn more about how you can help us make a difference