The LifeStart50 Movement
We will stop at nothing to save our loved ones and yours.
Think about this for a minute: Roughly 80% of Canadians who have a heart attack will have it at home or at work. Their chances of survival if this happens? Less than 8% (as of 2018 stats). That number isn't high enough for us, and it shouldn’t be high enough for you or for someone you love.
Let’s take out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates from less than 8% to 50% - over the next decade. Doesn’t 1 in 2 sound better than 1 in 10-ish when it comes to people’s lives?
A lofty goal, sure. But this one means everything to us, and here’s how we put our money where our mouth is to push the needle.
The Start'em Early Initiative
We believe that the earlier someone is exposed to life save skills, the better.

The movement starts here, with our kids. We need them to embrace the importance of CPR and first aid, early in life. Let’s make it a core life skill that everyone learns, so our kids can be confident to step up when it counts throughout their life.
Here at Life Start, we’re kids at heart (when it comes to injecting fun into learning). Seriously, the kids love the fun way we train. They enjoy it enough to listen and to learn. We’ve got the methods and the chops to teach young people that they can save a life no matter their age with CPR and AEDs (yes, a kid can use an AED). They walk away from our training with the confidence to act when it counts.
Who better to enlist as our champions for change than today’s kids, the next generation of leaders? They are the perfect choice to help push this movement forward and save more lives.
Your school can easily get on board. Let us teach your students virtually, at your school, for free.
More AEDs = More Lives Saved
Your organization needs to get on board.
The research is clear, AEDs paired with CPR within 3 minutes of cardiac arrest is key to survival. This power duo can increase someone’s chance of pulling through by 80%. To put it bluntly, the odds of survival without one is super low. That’s not something we’re willing to accept.
The more public places equipped AEDs, the easier and quicker it is to get your hands on one when the unthinkable happens. Although more and more Canadian communities, organizations and businesses are getting on board, we’ve still got work to do. We’ve got to bring the importance of AED use and availability centre-stage. We’re happy to take that stage with quality training and public awareness and you can join us.
Life Start can...
- Show people how easy it is to use an AED (YES - even kids!)
- Train as many people as possible how to perform CPR correctly
- Keep making sure every Life Start student physically touches/uses an AED trainer
- Spread our (very loud) message about how important it is to have an AED nearby
Your business, organization, community or group can…
- Purchase an AED for your location
- Get loud about AEDs and CPR with us
- Train your team with Life Start confidence

If you’re ready to join the movement and purchase an AED, tell us about it! Send a picture! We’ll let everyone know through our social media channels that you’re on board for saving lives and that you have an AED available at your location.
Have questions? Not sure where to purchase? Already have an AED and want to share the good news? We’re happy to help any way we can and we’re a button click away.
Community Give
Raising life-saving awareness any chance we get! get on board.
We’re not just spreading our message in our real and virtual classrooms. We like hitting the streets and screaming “save more lives!” from the rooftops (in an approved harness of course).
The Life Start Trainer Network is an amazing group of givers. They are active in their communities raising awareness and creating opportunities for learning. Do you want to take things up a notch, do things Life Start style and become one of us?
We want the movers and shakers who have a passion to give back and help us in our quest to save more lives. Helping our communities through education, awareness and volunteering our time to youth will help us set the standard for generations to come.
We all know it takes a village to raise kids, and we need community involvement coast to coast to raise our standards. Now is the time to work together and create a better future.
We can’t do this without your help! Get in contact with us to become apart of a National movement to change the status quo Life Start style.